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Indian Society of Perinatology and Reproductive Biology

ISOPARB was founded in the city of Patna to generate the message of peace and happiness in this land for the mother, child and the whole family i.e. Perinatology Society, irrespective of rich and poor people

The credit goes to the founder members Late Dr. G. Achari, Dr. Tarun Banerjee, Dr. Kamala Achari. Dr. Kamala Dhall, Dr. G.I. Dhall, Dr. Ajit C. Mehta, Dr. S. Dasgupta, Dr. B .Palaniappan, Dr. K.M.Gun, Dr. N.N. Roy Chowdhary, Dr. Jagdishwari Mishra, Dr. Nirmala Saxena, Dr. Gita Ganguly Mukherjee to nurture this society from birth to adulthood by their dedicated, devoted and perpetual efforts.

With a handful of members, the society started functioning under the banner of ISOPARB and able guidance of Dr. Mrs. Kamala Achari who is its founder president. Readmore…

Suchitra Pandit

Dr. Suchitra Pandit
Mob- 09820416474
email- suchitpan56@rediffmail.com

Secretary General

Dr. Meena Samant
21/D Road No- 10 , Rajendra Nagar
Patna – 800016
Mob: 09334105945 , Tel- 0612-2686690
Email : meenasamant@rediffmail.com

 Editorial Board

Dear friends kindly update your recent mobile/phone , e-mail id to the ISOPARB office to receive all communication.

Dr. Meena Samant (Secretary General )